Боец прокомментировал скандал с перевозчиками в Тернопольской области.

The fighter spoke out about the controversy involving carriers in Ternopil region.

On January 19, in the Ternopil region, a scandal erupted on the bus route "Ternopil — Kremets" between the route owner and the driver. They refused to transport a soldier who presented a combatant ID. Fellow soldiers traveling on the public transport were outraged by this incident, expressing their belief that there is a lack of respect for military personnel.

This was reported by the soldier, Mikhail Yurki, who was on the bus, in a comment to Novini.LIVE.

What the soldier says about the scandal with the carriers

Serviceman Mikhail Yurki, who was on leave, shared that on January 19, he was traveling by bus from Ternopil to Kremenets. He purchased a ticket at the counter using his military ID, and there were no issues with that. However, during the journey, another soldier got on the bus, but in civilian clothes, and also wanted to travel using his ID.

Yet, the driver and the bus owner were displeased and stated that they "pay the military fee not to transport soldiers for free here." Throughout the trip, the man and woman expressed their "outrage," but the soldier remained silent and ignored them. When he was getting off, he responded to the driver, and a verbal exchange ensued, which eventually escalated into a scuffle.

After the fighter exited the bus, Mikhail remained inside, and the owner’s shouts did not cease.

"Everyone had already told her that she should show respect to the military because civilians live a peaceful life here thanks to them, but she wanted to hear none of it and only said that she was sorry a bullet didn’t take that guy out. It’s frustrating when you come home for a few days on leave and have such a quarrel over 20 hryvnias. There is absolutely no respect," Mikhail Yurki stated.

However, this is not the end of the story. When the bus arrived at its destination in Kremenets, he informed the driver and the route owner that he would be filing a complaint with the city's mayor, Andrey Smaglyuk. The woman immediately changed her tone and pleaded with him not to do so, but the man insisted that he was serious and that such actions needed to be punished.

As it is known, the bus owner is Anna Arsenovna Nesteruk, and the driver is Nikolai Drobotzky.

Recall that on January 10, in Kyiv, young people blocked the road and listened to music from the Russian Federation. For entertainment, they also filmed a video near the memorial for fallen soldiers.

Recently, the police found the youths and held discussions with them and their parents.