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A ticking time bomb—heavy oil will obliterate all forms of life.

Following the disaster involving Russian tankers from the shadow fleet, several tons of fuel oil have spilled into the Black Sea, spreading across the waters. While there is currently no direct threat to the Odessa region, as the oil may have settled on the seabed, environmentalists warn that with the rise in temperatures during spring, it could wash ashore. This raises concerns about whether the beach season can commence under these conditions and if it will be safe.

To these questions, journalist Novini.LIVE received answers from ecologist and specialist at the National Ecological Center of Ukraine, Vladislav Balinsky.

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Heavy Fuel Oil in the Black Sea

Current low winter temperatures are benefiting our region by mitigating the extensive consequences of the heavy fuel oil spill. According to ecologist Vladislav Balinsky, if the fuel oil has reached our shores, it has only settled on the seabed, "lying low" until conditions improve. However, come spring, with rising temperatures, the situation may drastically change, leading to more significant ecological harm.

"Under such weather conditions, the fuel oil is not particularly dangerous, as it initially remains in the water layer. Once the temperature rises, it may rise to the surface. Then the problem will arise. We need to start thinking now about what to do and what measures to take," notes Vladislav Balinsky.

The specialist also adds that this scenario is quite plausible, as the melting point of this type of fuel oil is around +20 degrees Celsius. Because it is currently resting on the sea floor, a combined impact on the environment is forming.

"Part of it may evaporate due to the sail effect. The portion that has already settled on the bottom partially accumulates as sediment. Then, depending on external conditions, it can break apart, migrate, and influence the environment. In other words, the spread continues, and the situation is gradually worsening," says the ecologist.

Heavy Fuel Oil Will Destroy All Life

It is worth noting that while this fuel oil is not currently harming humans and the environment, the consequences are being felt by organisms living on the seabed. As the ecologist emphasizes, the substance is currently creating a "living desert" that is invisible to the human eye.

"Right now, we cannot see it. But in spring, when everything starts to rise and form oil films on the surface, there will be consequences. Moreover, these films cause anoxic and dead zones, from which many organisms will suffer. We are to some extent prisoners of this situation because there is nothing we can do. Millions of these particles have accumulated, and collecting them is simply impossible," summarizes the specialist.

The consequences of this ecological disaster remain uncertain due to ongoing hostilities, but it is already clear that their scale will be enormous, affecting every living organism in the Black Sea. Therefore, it is crucial to act as quickly as possible against pollution to prevent further ecocide and preserve marine life.

Recall that on December 15, two Russian tankers — "Volgoneft-212" and "Volgoneft-239" — sank in the Kerch Strait due to a storm. A total of 8.6 thousand tons of fuel oil spilled into the sea.