По мнению FT, оккупация Гренландии может иметь серьезные последствия для Трампа.

What could the occupation of Greenland mean for Trump? - FT

Recent statements by U.S. President Donald Trump regarding the acquisition of Greenland have sparked a flurry of discussions, and not without reason. Purchasing this territory could become a significant milestone in the history of international relations; however, executing such a deal necessitates a careful and diplomatic approach.

The Financial Times discusses the peculiarities surrounding Greenland.

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U.S. history includes examples of successful territorial acquisitions, such as Louisiana and Alaska. However, these agreements were made through negotiations and mutual consent. The threat of using force or economic pressure could lead to international isolation for the U.S. and a loss of allies.

Greenland holds strategic importance for the security of both America and its NATO allies. Additionally, the territory is rich in natural resources, including rare earth metals essential for modern technology and the military industry.

What benefits could arise for the U.S. and Greenland

However, acquiring Greenland should be advantageous not only for the U.S. but also for its inhabitants. It is crucial to consider their opinions and ensure fair compensation. Experts estimate the value of Greenland could reach $50 billion, which would allow each resident of the territory to become a multimillionaire.

Thus, acquiring Greenland should result from amicable negotiations among all interested parties. Only such an approach can guarantee a mutually beneficial deal and strengthen international security.

It is worth noting that Donald Trump also laid claim to Greenland, which caused a global scandal. In response, the King of Denmark even changed the coat of arms to demonstrate Greenland's affiliation.

Let us also remember that the controversy over Donald Trump's maps is not new—he recently published a map of Canada as part of the U.S.