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The mother of the captive shared the last news she received about her son.

On Sunday, January 19, a rally was held in Lviv to support Ukrainian prisoners of war. One mother shared that the last she heard of her son, he was in Olenivka.

She mentioned this in a comment to Novini.LIVE.

Rally in Lviv on January 19

The woman shared that she lives in Lutsk but frequently travels to such events in Lviv, Rivne, and Kyiv.

According to her, her son was in Mariupol and has been considered missing since 2022. However, two soldiers released from captivity mentioned that they saw him in Yelenivka back in 2022.

"I don't know where my child is, but I am waiting for my son to be alive and I believe," she said.

Recall that in Lviv, the rally in support of prisoners of war was attended by relatives and friends of the captured soldiers, as well as their combat comrades.

A similar demonstration took place in the capital, where people took to the central streets with posters in support of the prisoners.