Минфин уменьшил предложение и снизил ставки ОВГЗ на первичном рынке после повышения учетной ставки.

The Ministry of Finance has reduced the supply and maintained OVGZ rates in the primary market following the increase in the discount rate.

On Tuesday, the Ministry of Finance maintained the cutoff rates for domestic government bonds (OVGZ) at its auctions, despite the National Bank's increase of the key interest rate from 13% to 13.5% per annum.

The Ministry of Finance maintained the cut-off rates for domestic government bonds (OVGZ) at the auctions on Tuesday, despite the National Bank raising the discount rate from 13% to 13.5% per annum.

According to information on the Ministry of Finance's website, the rates for the "shortest" bonds maturing in February 2026 were set at 15.1%, while the OVGZ maturing in April 2027 had a rate of 16.2%, and those maturing in November 2027 were at 16.5% per annum.

At the same time, the Ministry of Finance significantly reduced the offering at these auctions to 3-4 billion UAH for each auction, whereas the demand ranged from 5 billion UAH for the shortest bonds to 3 billion UAH for the longest ones.

When supply and demand were equal for the OVGZ maturing in November 2027, their average weighted yield even increased to 16.5% from 16.42% the previous week.

Total demand, in the absence of reserve OVGZ offerings, fell to 12.4 billion UAH from 71.5 billion UAH a week earlier, while the sales volume dropped to 10.3 billion UAH from 23.85 billion UAH.