С 1 июня объем одобренных бизнес-заявок на энергокредиты составил 10,8 млрд грн, согласно данным НБУ.

As of June 1, the total approved business applications for energy loans reached 10.8 billion UAH, according to the National Bank of Ukraine.

Between June 1 and October 28, 2024, banks received 2,843 applications for energy loans totaling 64.7 billion UAH, with every sixth application being approved. The total amount of approved loans reached 10.8 billion UAH, as reported by Andriy Pyshny, the head of the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU).

From June 1 to October 28, 2024, banks received 2,843 applications for energy loans totaling 64.7 billion UAH, of which one in six was approved, resulting in a total approved amount of 10.8 billion UAH, reported the head of the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU), Andriy Pyshnyy.

"As of October 28, banks (…) have increased the gross portfolio of 'energy' loans to 3.1 billion UAH," - the National Bank of Ukraine quoted his remarks from a meeting with the leaders of the 30 largest banks on Tuesday.

As previously reported, micro, small, medium, and large businesses will be able to attract investment loans ranging from EUR 0.5 to 25 million for implementing innovative solutions in the energy sector for a term of 5-7 years at a base rate of 13.5% per annum or UIRD3M+0.5% for the first year, with a floating rate applicable from the second year, not exceeding UIRD12M+3%. A corresponding memorandum was signed by 20 Ukrainian banks, accounting for 85% of all assets in the system.