Пенсионеры выразили недовольство правилами Ощадбанка в условиях войны.

Retirees have expressed concerns about Oschadbank's policies during the war.

Clients of the state financial institution "Oschadbank," who are internally displaced persons, are expressing concerns about their inability to access funds on their pension cards. They are requesting an expansion of services available to this group.

A message has appeared on the "Minfin" website, where users can submit inquiries to banks.

Also read:

Increased Requirements for Oschadbank Clients During the War

A client of Oschadbank noted that the issue she faced is relevant for many displaced residents of Donetsk and Luhansk regions, especially pensioners. She shared that she is a pensioner and has been classified as an internally displaced person (IDP) since before 2022. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the challenging situation in the country, and the lack of proper transportation, she cannot personally visit a bank branch to obtain a card with her pension certificate.

The problem is that she is being asked to go to the specific branch where her card was issued. These are the current requirements of the bank.

"My bank account is active, and pension payments have been accumulating for several years, but I do not have access to these funds. I am also being refused the opening of a new card or account because, according to bank employees, there is a card that is located in a branch that has long been closed to customer service," the message states.

The woman noted that it is impossible to arrange a power of attorney through a notary in the uncontrolled territory (in Donetsk or Luhansk) since the necessary documents are not accepted. She has repeatedly contacted the call center, but each time the conversation ended with the standard response: "You must appear in person."

The client emphasized that under the current conditions, such a requirement is burdensome for many pensioners. In this regard, she requests consideration of the following possibilities:

  • Establishing a remote identity verification procedure using video communication or other modern methods.
  • Reissuing a virtual card online that can be linked to the pension account.
  • Opening an account/transferring funds to an account in another bank, provided full verification is completed.

"I am ready to undergo any online verification and confirm my identity. I have a financial number, access to the bank's app, a Ukrainian citizen passport, and all necessary documents. However, all my arguments remain unaddressed. I believe that in the 21st century, in the age of digital technology, such problems should be resolved more easily... I am 70 years old, and I cannot cover vast distances just to access my pension...," the woman stated.


Special Requirements for Oschadbank Card Transactions

As is known, Oschadbank has a rule regarding certain operations with cards — customers must address issues only at the branch where they were issued. This particularly applies to card closure inquiries.

However, if a card has been blocked because the client did not pass physical identification for any reason, it is possible to do this remotely: via a video call to the bank's contact center.

To schedule a video call, you need to follow the link and select your desired date and time.

Previously, we reported on the fees Oschadbank charges for utility payments made through self-service terminals. The fee amount depends on several factors.

It was also reported that Oschadbank may charge a fee for cash withdrawals from salary cards via ATMs. Such payments are stipulated by the current tariffs.