Переплыли Днепр — в РДК обсуждали, как мотивировать бойцов на службу в корпусе.

Crossed the Dnieper — discussing the motivation of fighters to serve in the corps at the RDK.

The commander of the Russian Volunteer Corps, Denis "White Rex" Nikitin, stated that there have been numerous instances of fighters crossing the frontline or swimming across the Dnieper River to join the ranks of the RDK. Many prisoners are consciously choosing to side with Ukraine.

Denis Nikitin shared this in an interview with Novini.LIVE.

Read also:

Obstacles for Fighters on the Path to the RDK

"When I talk to prisoners who want to switch to Ukraine's side and fight in the ranks of the RDK, I always make sure that this person has made a voluntary choice. He can remain a prisoner until the end of the war or go for an exchange. That option is certainly available. And if he says, 'No, I don’t want to be in the camp, I don’t want to go back, I don’t want to be exchanged, I want to join the RDK,' then we start to communicate. I ask him about episodes from his past, wanting to understand his motivation.", Nikitin explained.

According to him, many prisoners decide to fight on Ukraine's side.

"We already have quite a few stories where guys deliberately cross the front line. There are drones, minefields, barbed wire, and there's the Dnipro River, which some of our fighters swam across to join the Russian Volunteer Corps.", noted the founder of the RDK.

He added that for men, this is a significant risk, yet they still take it to join the RDK.

Let us remind you that Nikitin responded to who is part of the Russian Volunteer Corps. According to him, the unit includes both men from European countries and prisoners.

Additionally, the RDK commander revealed terrifying details about the mobilization process in Russia. As soon as a Russian citizen breaks the law and ends up in pre-trial detention, they are already being sent to the front lines.