Новость обновилась: генерала Галушкина снова арестовали.

New details have emerged in the case—General Galushkin has been detained again.

New evidence has emerged in the case concerning the border breach in the Kharkiv region. As a result, law enforcement officials have once again detained the former commander of the Joint Forces Operation in Kharkiv, for whom bail had previously been posted.

This was reported by the State Bureau of Investigation on Wednesday, January 22.

New Circumstances Surrounding the Border Breach in Kharkiv Region

According to the SBI, the former commander of the Joint Forces Operation "Kharkiv" misjudged the enemy's potential and the situation in the area of responsibility. His actions contributed to the fact that fighters of the 125th Separate Territorial Defense Brigade voluntarily left the battlefield.

The military commander had intelligence data but disregarded it, the SBI notes. Additionally, the general assessed the Russian offensive as "unlikely" and issued orders that did not correspond to the actual situation. Ultimately, this led to tragic events at the front.

"Due to miscalculations in command and the voluntary withdrawal of fighters and certain units of the 125th Separate Territorial Defense Brigade from their positions, the strategic initiative was lost, allowing the enemy to penetrate the brigade's defense line by up to 10 km, which enabled them to shell Kharkiv again with artillery," the SBI stated.

Furthermore, due to the command's incorrect actions, nearly a hundred Ukrainian servicemen were wounded, killed, or went missing within the first day of the enemy's offensive. As a result, the former commander of the Joint Forces Operation "Kharkiv" has been detained.

He will be notified of suspicion under Part 5 of Article 27, Article 429 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (aiding in the voluntary abandonment of the battlefield or refusal to act with weapons).

It should be noted that a bail of five million hryvnias has been posted for the brigadier general Yuriy Halushkin, who is under suspicion in the case regarding inadequate defense in the Kharkiv region. It remains unclear who exactly provided this bail.

Lieutenant General Arthur Gorbenko has been given a preventive measure. The military is suspected of inadequate defense of Kharkiv region during the enemy's offensive.