Комитет рассмотрит проект госбюджета-2025 ко второму чтению в понедельник, сообщил председатель комитета Пидласа.

The specialized committee will review the draft state budget for 2025 during the second reading on Monday, according to committee head Pidlas.

The Budget Committee of the Verkhovna Rada will review the draft state budget for 2025 for its second reading on Monday, announced the committee chair, Roksolana Pidlas, to the Interfax-Ukraine agency on Friday.

The Budget Committee of the Verkhovna Rada will review the draft state budget for 2025 during the second reading on Monday, as reported by the committee chair Roksolana Pidlasa to the Interfax-Ukraine agency on Friday.

According to her, the committee meeting has been moved to Monday morning due to the need to finalize some details.

Earlier, people's deputy Yaroslav Zheleznyak (from the "Holos" faction) mentioned on his Telegram channel that the budget committee meeting originally scheduled for today to discuss the draft state budget for the upcoming year has been postponed indefinitely.