Генерал Ходжес заявил, что России нельзя доверять в процессе переговоров.

"Russia cannot be trusted during negotiations," says General Hodges.

The Ukrainian government and its Western partners must clearly understand that Russia will not adhere to any agreements reached during ceasefire negotiations. Any pause in hostilities will be exploited by Vladimir Putin to prepare for renewed aggression.

During an interview with Novini.LIVE, former commander of the U.S. Army in Europe, General Ben Hodges, made this statement.

Negotiations Between Ukraine and Russia

According to General Hodges, the cessation of hostilities should not be the primary goal of the negotiations.

"Ukraine must significantly enhance its defense capabilities—potentially with assistance from Europe or the U.S. I believe your government understands that Ukraine is capable of continuing the fight. Some European countries are also beginning to realize that if Ukraine is defeated, Russian troops could appear in other European countries within two to three years,” stated Ben Hodges.

Any agreements will be viewed by Russia as merely temporary, aiming to retain all territories it has already occupied.

"If we allow this or encourage Ukraine to agree to it, it will only postpone the conflict and deter investors from helping to rebuild Ukraine,” the general added.

We remind you that Donald Trump is ready to resume negotiations with Kim Jong-un.

It is also known that Russian President Putin is open to a meeting and negotiations with Donald Trump.