Сотни семей "Азова" ожидают возвращения тел своих близких.

Hundreds of families from Azov are awaiting the return of their loved ones' remains.

Tatiana's brother, Evgeny, who was from Kyiv, lost his life in March 2022 at the besieged "Azovstal" in the occupied city of Mariupol, surrounded by Russian troops. To this day, she has not received his body or any information regarding his whereabouts. She states that there are hundreds of families in similar situations.

Tatyana shared this with Novini.LIVE.


Yevgeny has been in "Azov" since 2019, involved in evacuating the wounded. In March, he sustained a sniper injury while entering the "Azovstal" territory with the injured. He underwent surgery there, but the injury proved fatal. He died from significant blood loss. The woman is still waiting for the return of her brother's body or at least any news regarding his whereabouts.

"We understand how crucial it is to bring back the living, but there are families who still haven't received their loved ones' bodies. I have been waiting for my brother's body for almost three years now. There are many like me — over a hundred families. We don’t know if they were returned to Ukraine, if they are still at 'Azovstal', or if they were taken to Russia. No one is telling us what the issue is — whether it's with DNA sampling or something else? We are knocking on every door we can," the woman summarized.

We recall that the wife of the fallen defender from the 3rd OShB, Lyubov Ivanova, shared how she managed to retrieve her husband's body. The entire process took more than 9 months.

Meanwhile, 75-year-old Volodymyr and Tamara have been waiting for over 2.5 years for the return of their grandson Bohdan from Russian captivity. He served in the NSU "Azov" brigade and went into honorable captivity from the surrounded Azovstal back in May 2022.