Во Львове прошел фестиваль фольклора — смотрите наш фоторепортаж!

A folklore festival took place in Lviv—check out our photo report!

On Sunday, January 12, a regional festival of Ukrainian winter folklore titled "New Joy Has Arrived" took place in Lviv. The event brought together traditions, the artistry of folk craftsmen, and the enchanting atmosphere of the Christmas celebration.

This is reported by the correspondent of Novyny.LIVE.

Read also:

Ukrainian Winter Folklore Festival in Lviv

It is known that the festival began at 1:00 PM on Svobody Avenue. About 40 groups from all over Lviv region participated, showcasing nativity scenes, singing carols and greetings.

One of the main highlights was the presentation of Christmas stars.

We remind you that the mayor of Lviv, Andriy Sadovyi, demonstrated a genuine Hutsul trembita and promised to play it under one condition.

Additionally, Sadovyi handed over keys to apartments to five orphans, providing them with their own housing.