Женщина поделилась впечатлениями от первых минут удара России по центру Киева — смотрите видео.

A woman recounted the initial moments of the Russian strike on central Kyiv — video.

A resident of one of the buildings in Kyiv shared her experience during the recent Russian attack on the capital. Her family was awakened by the sound of powerful explosions.

This is mentioned in the report from Novini.LIVE.

Strike on Kyiv

According to a woman, her family was awakened by powerful explosions. Initially, an all-clear was declared for the air raid alert, but shortly after that, explosions occurred. At the time of the attack, she was at home with her husband and child.

"We woke up to the explosions. They declared the all-clear and immediately after that, the explosions happened. The child was also in the apartment at that moment. Now the child is with relatives. Everything is fine with them for now," — says a resident of one of the capital's buildings.

Recall that on the morning of January 18, Russia attacked Kyiv. In the capital, damage to civilian infrastructure was recorded.