ОГТСУ и Gaz-System из Польши запустили гарантированную мощность для входа в Украину на уровне 5,15 млн куб. м в сутки.

OGTSU and Polish Gaz-System have established a guaranteed entry capacity to Ukraine of 5.15 million cubic meters per day.

The Gas Transmission System Operator of Ukraine has reached an agreement with the Polish Gas Transmission System Operator, Gaz-System, to establish guaranteed capacities for the import of natural gas from Poland to Ukraine, amounting to approximately 5.15 million cubic meters per day.

"The Gas Transmission System Operator of Ukraine" has reached an agreement with the Polish Gas Transmission System Operator Gaz-System to introduce guaranteed capacities for importing natural gas from Poland to Ukraine, amounting to approximately 5.15 million cubic meters per day.

According to a statement on the OGTSU website, the updated capacity will be available from January 1 to September 30, 2025. It will first be offered at the monthly auction on December 16, 2024.

Customers of transportation services will also be able to gain access to booking the specified capacity at quarterly, monthly, daily, and intraday auctions in accordance with the ENTSO-G calendar.

"Our extensive collaboration with the Polish partner Gaz-System has enabled us to ensure an increase in guaranteed capacities for gas transportation from Poland to Ukraine. This strengthens the security of gas supply for Ukraine and enhances the opportunities for customers to transport and store gas with us. We will continue to work to ensure that our clients can rely on these capacities on a regular basis," noted OGTSU head Dmitry Lippa.

Earlier, OGTSU received confirmation of guaranteed daily gas supplies of 42 million cubic meters per day from Slovakia until the end of winter 2026.