Женщина рассказала, как беспилотник атаковал кафе в Киевской области.

Женщина рассказала, как беспилотник атаковал кафе в Киевской области.

17 января россияне вновь совершили военное преступление, нанеся удар беспилотниками по гражданской инфраструктуре в Киевской области. В результате этой атаки произошло возгорание зданий, и есть пострадавшие.

This is reported by a correspondent from Novyny.LIVE on-site.

Consequences of the UAV Attack

As a result of the Russian drone strike in Kyiv region, a café and a shop were engulfed in flames. The owner of the affected establishment, Tatyana Borisovna, shared that debris from the drone struck the window of the building.

"We had already gone to bed when we heard a buzzing sound, followed by an explosion. I rushed to the window and saw that our shop and café were already on fire. The flames spread instantly. Neighbors rushed to help; there were many people. We called the firefighters. Several fire brigades arrived, particularly from Bucha, Vorzel, and Dmytrivka. Everyone helped us," — the woman recounts.

Additionally, a 12-year-old boy named Andriy was injured during the Russian attack while he was inside, trying to hide but sustained leg injuries.

His condition is currently stable, and he is under medical supervision as he prepares for surgery.

We remind you that in the Kyiv region, in the Bucha district, efforts to mitigate the aftermath of the strike by Russian occupiers are ongoing. You can watch the report on Novyny.LIVE to see how this is unfolding.

It should be noted that the Russians launched drones on the night of January 17. Explosions were heard at that time.