В Гренландии разгорелся скандал: фанатов США могли подкупить, и это связано с сыном Трампа.

В Гренландии разгорелся скандал: фанатов США могли подкупить, и это связано с сыном Трампа.

Датские СМИ раскрыли любопытные детали недавней поездки Дональда Трампа-младшего в Гренландию, где, по слухам, он встретился с местными жителями, которые призывали его к включению Гренландии в состав США. В публикациях подчеркивается, что участники встречи с Трампом-младшим могли быть подкуплены.

This is reported by the Danish publication DR.

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What the Scandal is About

According to a video that Trump Jr. shared on social media X, several Greenlanders wearing MAGA (Make America Great Again) red hats were enjoying a meal with the son of the newly elected President of the United States.

The meeting took place at the luxurious Hans Egede hotel in the capital Nuuk, where Trump’s son came to talk with his Greenlandic supporters.

However, several sources have informed DR that some individuals appearing in the Trump campaign video are homeless and socially vulnerable people who are often found near the municipal enterprise in Nuuk.

"These are homeless individuals and elderly people who were fortunate enough to dine in an expensive restaurant," said journalist Tom Amtoft, who has lived in Nuuk for 28 years. He recognized several faces in the photos taken during the visit to the Hans Egede hotel.

A local resident mentioned that the task for these individuals was simple: wear MAGA hats and dine with Trump Jr., endorsing his statements.

Tom Amtoft himself witnessed attempts by Trump’s team to persuade these individuals to wear MAGA hats and record pro-Trump messages on camera.

It’s worth noting that Donald Trump also laid claim to Greenland, which sparked a global scandal. The King of Denmark even altered the coat of arms to demonstrate Greenland's affiliation.

This scandal involving Trump’s maps is not the first — he recently published a map of Canada as part of the United States.