Оккупанты создают опорные базы в многоэтажках Крыма.

Оккупанты создают опорные базы в многоэтажках Крыма.

В временно оккупированном Крыму российские войска установили опорный пункт в заброшенном многоэтажном здании у побережья. Территория находится под охраной, оборудованы огневые позиции, а в окрестностях замечены военная техника и солдаты.

This was reported by the movement "АТЕШ" via Telegram.

Also read:

Russian Outposts in Yevpatoria

Agents of the movement report that the occupiers have established a new outpost in the city of Yevpatoria. Russian military personnel have set up their positions in an abandoned multi-story building located near the coast.

Surveillance and firing equipment has been installed at the site, and military hardware and personnel have been observed. The building is under "protection."

"The placement of military facilities within civilian construction in Crimea has become a systematic occurrence. Additionally, such actions serve multiple purposes for the occupiers—not only 'defending' the peninsula but also the straightforward 'seizure' of various properties for their own enrichment.", the agents of "АТЕШ" added.

The "АТЕШ" movement urges Crimeans to join the fight against the occupying authorities, emphasizing that everyone can contribute to the liberation of Crimea.

As a reminder, earlier partisans observed the movement of a column of Russian military equipment near Dzhankoy. We also reported that tourists will not be vacationing on the beaches of Crimea this year.