Россия нанесла удар по Харькову с использованием модернизированных БПЛА, что привело к разрушениям — смотрите видео.

Россия нанесла удар по Харькову с использованием модернизированных БПЛА, что привело к разрушениям — смотрите видео.

Во вторник, 21 января, российские военные совершили удар по Харькову, предположительно применив модифицированный беспилотник "Молния-2". В результате этой атаки один человек получил ранения.

The mayor Igor Terekhov reported this in a comment to Novini.LIVE.

Consequences of the UAV Attack on Kharkiv

According to Terekhov, one person was injured as a result of the strike — he is experiencing an acute stress reaction. Damage occurred to a dormitory, garages, electrical networks, and a vehicle. Municipal services are already addressing the aftermath.

The mayor of Kharkiv also explained that the "Molniya-2" drone is a modified version with a higher charge capacity.

"We can see on the monitors when the 'Molniya' is flying, and of course, we warn the population during air alerts," — emphasized Terekhov.

Prosecutor Dmitry Chubenko, in a comment to Novini.LIVE, also discussed the differences between the "Molniya" drone modifications.

He stated that "Molniya-1" and "Molniya-2" differ not in their warhead but in their technical specifications. The first drone has one motor, while the second has two. However, the explosive power remains the same for both.


It is worth noting that on January 21, Russian forces struck the railway infrastructure in the Dnipropetrovsk region. As a result of the shelling, two railway workers were injured.

Additionally, we reported that the Russian army has intensified its bombardment of the Sumy and Chernihiv regions with aerial bombs.