В Брюсселе Украина подписала соглашение с НАТО. Что это значит и каковы последствия для страны?

В Брюсселе Украина подписала соглашение с НАТО. Что это значит и каковы последствия для страны?

Во время рабочего визита в Брюссель украинская делегация заключила соглашение с литовскими парламентариями, касающееся Североатлантического альянса.

This was reported by People's Deputy Alexander Korniyenko in a comment to Novini.LIVE journalist Halyna Ostapovets on Wednesday, January 22.

What the Agreement Entails

Korniyenko emphasized that Ukraine's accession to NATO cannot be overlooked. It serves as a significant security guarantee not only for our nation but also for Europe. This is precisely why Ukrainian diplomats have signed an agreement with their Lithuanian counterparts.

"We adopted a final document regarding the appeal within NATO. This is to ensure that NATO members reach out to the larger members, such as the USA or Germany, with the message that Ukraine should be in NATO," Korniyenko stated.

Let us remind you that a meeting of the Ukraine – NATO Council took place in Brussels. The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Alexander Syrsky, joined the meeting online.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky met with a delegation from Slovakia. They discussed energy security and support for Ukraine's path towards EU and NATO.